So far, you set up the infrastructure for the updates. Now, let's see what going on there so you could implement a custom logic for your project.
One of the things we did was to add an entity that will keep track the recipient IDs:
fb_reminders: '\Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\FbReminders'
# List of updates.
2: '\Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\AddFbReminder'
For a new install you don't need to update path because - when installing nuntius all the entities are setted up for us. The update path dmonstrate how to add a new table for existing installations:
* Describe what the update going to do.
* @return string
* What the update going to do.
public function description() {
return 'Adding the FB reminders entity';
* Running the update.
* @return string
* A message for what the update did.
public function update() {
return 'Adding the table.';
Respond to text
The user will probably asks us to Manage updates
, for that we set a task
# Manage tasks.
fb_manage_updates: '\Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\FacebookUpdatesManage'
When he will send the message we will need to respond to the text:
* {@inheritdoc}
public function scope() {
return [
'/Manage updates/' => [
'human_command' => 'Manage updates',
'description' => 'Managing helps in Facebook',
'callback' => [
'facebook' => 'showUpdatesOptions'
* Manage updates options.
public function showUpdatesOptions() {
$send_api = Nuntius::facebookSendApi();
return $send_api->templates->button
->text('What do you want to do?')
->addButton($send_api->buttons->postBack->title('Update me')->payload('register_me'))
->addButton($send_api->buttons->postBack->title("Don't update me")->payload('un_register_me'));
Webhooks routing.
We added two new webhooks routing:
# List of webhooks and te matcher handler.
'drupal': '\Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\Drupal'
'facebook-drupal': '\Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\FacebookDrupal'
The webhooks will validate the token and post to Facebook/Slack information about the new content.
Handle the user choices
The task returned a text with two payload buttons. But how we going to act? By defining the FB postbacks handlers we can register or un-register the user from updates through the messenger platform. Let's have a look on two examples.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function postBack() {
// Check that the recipient is already registered.
if ($this->queryForRecipient($this->fbRequest['sender'])) {
Nuntius::getEntityManager()->get('fb_reminders')->save(['recipient_id' => $this->fbRequest['sender']]);
return 'Got it! You will be notified on new stuff';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function postBack() {
$row = $this->queryForRecipient($this->fbRequest['sender']);
return "You don't want to get updates. That's OK. See you in the future";
How the posting to FB and slack works
After setting up all the stuff, let's see how the webhook routing post in the platform they design for.
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function trigger() {
// Get the slack http service.
$slack_http = new SlackHttpService();
$slack = $slack_http->setAccessToken(Nuntius::getSettings()->getSetting('access_token'));
// Build the attachment.
$attachment = new SlackHttpPayloadServiceAttachments();
if (!empty($this->payload->body->und[0]->value)) {
$attachments[] = $attachment;
// Build the payload of the message.
$message = new SlackHttpPayloadServicePostMessage();
->setText('A new content on the site! Yay!');
// Posting the message.
return new Response();
And for facebook we have the next code, \Nuntius\Examples\Drupal\FacebookDrupal
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function trigger() {
$subtitle = !empty($this->payload->body->und[0]->value) ? $this->payload->body->und[0]->value : '';
// Look for registered users from the given URL.
if (!$users = Nuntius::getDb()->getQuery()->table('fb_reminders')->execute()) {
return new Response();
// Prepare the send API object.
$send_api = Nuntius::facebookSendApi();
$element = $send_api->templates->element;
$payload = $send_api->templates->generic
->addButton($send_api->buttons->url->title('Take me there!')->url($this->url))
// Loop over the users.
foreach ($users as $user) {
return new Response();