Commands are an easy way to add CLI integration. The commands based on the Symfony console component so we won't go and explain the API. You can read about it here

Let's have a look on how to define:

  - '\Nuntius\Commands\UpdateCommand'
  - '\Nuntius\Commands\InstallCommand'

Let's have a look at the code that installs Nuntius for us:


namespace Nuntius\Commands;

class InstallCommand extends Command  {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function configure() {
      ->setDescription('Install nuntius')
      ->setHelp('Set up nuntius');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);

    if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../settings/credentials.local.yml')) {
      $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('The credentials yml file is missing. Would you like to generate the file?');

      if (!$io->askQuestion($question)) {
        $io->block('Well then, you need to create a copy of the file credentials.yml to credentials.local.yml and populate the values. Good luck!');


    $value = Nuntius::getSettings()->getSettings();
    $operations = Nuntius::getDb()->getOperations();
    $storage = Nuntius::getDb()->getStorage();

    $io->section("Setting up the DB.");

    if ($operations->dbExists($value['rethinkdb']['db'])) {
      $io->success("The DB already exists, skipping.");
    else {
      $io->success("The DB was created");

    $io->section("Creating entities tables.");

    foreach (array_keys($value['entities']) as $table) {
      if ($operations->tableExists($table)) {
        $io->success("The table {$table} already exists, skipping.");
      else {
        $io->success("The table {$table} has created");

    // Run this again.
    $storage->table('system')->save(['id' => 'updates', 'processed' => array_keys(Nuntius::getUpdateManager()->getUpdates())]);

    $io->section("The install has completed.");
    $io->text('run php console.php nuntius:run');
