At some point you might want to keep stuff in the DB. The database is based on
Rethinkdb. Similar to event integration definition, entity defined in the
reminders: '\Nuntius\Entity\Reminders'
context: '\Nuntius\Entity\Context'
context_archive: '\Nuntius\Entity\RunningContext'
running_context: '\Nuntius\Entity\RunningContext'
system: '\Nuntius\Entity\System'
You could implement methods relate to the entity in the matching class but you will see that the basic methods are enough.
Add an entry
->insert(['foo' => 'bar']);
Load an entry
Load multiple entries
You can ask for all of them:
Or you can ask for multiple entities:
->loadMultiple(['id1', 'id2', 'id3']);
Update an entry
->update(['id' => 'ID', 'foo' => 'bar']);
Delete from the DB
You can delete a single entity:
You can multiple entities:
->deleteMultiple(['id1', 'id2', 'id3']);
Or you can delete all the entities: