Integration with slack can be achieved in various ways. Nuntius implementing the integration via WebSocket and push events AKA RTM events. For any operation on slack, there is a matching RTM event. You can look on the list here.

Let's see how to interact with the message events. In the hooks.yml we have the events section:

  presence_change: '\Nuntius\Plugin\PresenceChange'
  message: '\Nuntius\Plugin\Message'

The message key paired with the namespace for the class that needs to implement the logic for the events. Let's have a look at the code:


namespace Nuntius\Plugin;

 * Class Message.
 * Triggered when a message eas sent.
class Message extends NuntiusPluginAbstract {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function action() {
    // code here...

Every time someone will send a message the action method will be invoked.

On presence change

For now, until we will switch to Symfony event dispatcher, events can response to presence change, AKA when the user logged out or in. We use that option to notify the users for the reminders.

Let's look on how the message:


namespace Nuntius\Plugin;

 * Remind to the user something to do.
class Reminders extends TaskBaseAbstract implements TaskBaseInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function actOnPresenceChange() {
    if ($this->data['presence'] == 'away') {

    $rows = $this->query
      ->condition('user', $this->data['user'])

    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      $this->client->getDMByUserId($row['user'])->then(function (DirectMessageChannel $channel) use ($row) {
        // Send the reminder.
        $text = 'Hi! You asked me to remind you: ' . $row['reminder'];
        $this->client->send($text, $channel);

        // Delete the reminder from the DB.

In this case, we are looking for reminders which the user set and send it as a private message.