As most of the API in Nuntius, the DB layer is accessible using a service. Three ways are defined as best practice:

First, aliasing from Nuntius static methods:


The second is just calling the service:


The third one is the best one when writing a service:

    class: \Nuntius\EntityManager
    arguments: ['@db', '@config']

And you service should look like:


namespace Nuntius;
use Nuntius\Db\DbDispatcher;

 * Entity mananger.
class EntityManager {

  function __construct(DbDispatcher $db, NuntiusConfig $config) {
    $this->db = $db;
  /// ...

Know you your methods

The \Nuntius\Nuntius::getDb(); will get give you access to couple of methods:

  • Nuntius::getDb()->getQuery(): The query part, which you know for the previous page, which allow you to query the DB and get arrays of rows match your query.
  • Nuntius::getDb()->getStorage(): CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation on the table in the DB.
  • Nuntius::getDb()->getOperations(): Creating and delete databases, tables and indexes(very hard core!).
  • Nuntius::getDb()->getMetadata(): Get information about the DB: the type, description and text when the user will install Nuntius.

More information will be provided in the Writing a custom driver part.